- The Executive Council is the governing body for the Kentucky Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologists (KSNMT). The Executive Council includes the KSNMT officers, a representative student member for each school in the state and other members as appointed. Officers of the KSNMT are elected by a vote of the members present at the fall business meeting held during the fall educational meeting. Nominations for office may be made to any member of the council. Nominees must be members of the KSNMT at the time of elections.
KSNMT Officers
President Lindsey Hill lindsey.behrendt@gmail.com
President Elect
Past President Stephanie Zoll kevsgirl9797@gmail.com
Treasurer Kym Robbins logansrobbins@aol.com
Secretary Kelly Lafferty kelly_shoegal@hotmail.com
Historian Lindsey Hill lindsey.behrendt@gmail.com